Tuesday 6 November 2012


“We all moan and groan about the loss of the quality of life through the destruction of our ecology, and yet each one of us, in our own little comfortable ways, contributes daily to that destruction. It is time now to awaken in each one of us the respect and attention our beloved Mother (Earth) deserves."
Quote by actor, environmental supporter, Ed Asner

I started this blog with the video (Mother Earth by Brother Resistance), because I think it is one of the most beautiful songs ever written about the environment.
I would like that you play this video whilst reading this blog…it creates the mood. Also, if the video is completed before you have finished reading this blog...just click on the replay button.
Let this song just play...let it play in your mind…let it play in your heart…just  let it play...it is a beautiful song….
                            "Let meh vibes be one with you Mother Earth
                             Ah only want to know
                             To know you is to love you
                              Mother Earth"
It is very difficult to ignore what is presently happening to the environment. Take note of the most recent occurrences, in particular Superstorm Sandy with its devastation along the North East Coast of the United States  and across the Caribbean (Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica) with a death toll listed as one hundred and forty one (141) and sixty nine (69) respectively. 

It is as if  "our vibes are not one with Mother Earth". She is speaking to us…in fact,I believe she is crying out to us.

Even right here in Trinidad and Tobago, over the last few years we would have all noticed many differences in the weather patterns.
Our country may be one of the Caribbean countries that is not in the Hurricane Belt, but, however, from time to time, we still get the occasional impact from hurricanes/tropical storms.
One of the most recent being Tropical Storm Isaac (August 2012) which caused major flooding cross the East/West corridor, as well as the capital city-Port of Spain.

The question may arise: "What can I, as an individual, do?"

Last week, while at the office talking about the Superstorm Sandy, I initiated a discussion with my co-workers with respect to which “good deeds” we can do for the environment. One issue that immediately came to the forefront - the discarding of old newspapers. All my colleagues told me that they had a vast collection of newspapers, some even dating back to December 2011.

I recalled when I was doing some research, that the Trinidad and Tobago Society for the Prevention for Cruelty to Animals  (TTSPCA) collected newspapers. I immediately contacted them and with the help of my co-workers, I organized the transportation of all the newspapers to the TTSPCA. Here is their Facebook page:-

There are many other local agencies/groups that are involved in performing activities that help the environment right here in Trinidad and Tobago. They are also available on the social networks, to name a few:

GREENTNT whose aim is to make information "on being green" relevant to the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, together with keeping our beautiful twin islands from becoming more polluted.

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY (EMA)  where they are committed to protecting and conserving the natural environment to enhance the quality of life.

OFFICE OF DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AND MANAGEMENT (ODPM) whose mission is to develop and manage the implementation of proactive measures,etc to prepare for hazards that threaten the people, environment and economy of Trinidad and Tobago.

ENVIRONMENTALISM IN T&T  which is a humanitarian and socail movement of Trinidad and Tobago, fueled by a passion for conserving the environment.

There are many other groups/organisations and these websites can be located on the GREENTNT Website.

I can hear many persons saying: "I really care about helping the environment, but I have a very busy schedule. I just don't have any time to get involved or volunteer for any group or organisation."
Have no fear, there are many simple ways in which we can help the environment on a day-to-day basis. For example:
-Turn off lights and electronic devices when not in the room or not in use.
-Turn off the tap when brushing teeth etc
-Fix the plumbing, if it is leaking.
-Use alternative cleaning agents (vinegar, soda powder) instead of hazardous chemical (bleach)
-Carpool or walk, whenever it is possible.
-Take  your own bags to the grocery etc
-Reuse whenever you can-aluminum foil/containers, plastic cutlery.(Recycle)
There are many other ways that we can help...Just remember that it is important to know that we all can play a part in helping the environment.
"Treat the earth well…
it was not given to you by your parents
it was loaned to you by your children
we do not inherit the (Mother) Earth from our Ancestors
We borrow it from our Children"
Author unknown

Let our vibes be one with Mother Earth.
Let us all do a "good deed" to our Mother- the Environment.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful, Arlene. I love how you stick to the theme, but handle diverse topics.
