Saturday 29 September 2012


                                      DO A GOOD DEED FOR YOURSELF
“Be yourself - truthfully.
Accept yourself - gratefully.
Value yourself - joyfully.
Forgive yourself - completely.
Treat yourself - generously.
Balance yourself - harmoniously.
Bless yourself - abundantly.
Trust yourself - confidently
Love yourself - wholeheartedly.
Empower yourself - confidently.
Give yourself - enthusiastically.
Express yourself - radiantly
Author unknown

I would like to add to this quote: “Do a good deed for yourself – daily.”
We women, sometimes feel that we are superwomen - thinking we can do everything…taking care of the household, holding down a full time job, studying at COSTAATT, and other community activities.  We tend to forget to take some time off for ourselves. 
In fact, today was a very long and stressful one -  it began by going to the market, attending a friend’s funeral, dealing with household chores (cleaning, cooking etc.), taking the children to football and swimming practices, plus completing work projects and class assignments. 

I found myself in a very argumentative mood with my family. When I realized that I was just overwhelmed with everything that was happening around me, I knew I definitely needed some time alone.
If I could have afforded it, I would have liked to take a trip to Bahamas. (certainly aint got  the money at this time.)
Being a practicing Roman Catholic, I decided to go to the place where I knew I would get the solace I so needed at that time – Adoration Room, Church of the Holy Spirit, Malabar. 
I got the opportunity to cry out, pray and just enjoy the presence of my Creator.  I felt so at peace and connected to my Maker that I did not even realized that I spent almost two hours in the Adoration Room.  I was now in a better frame of mind to deal with all my family etc.
This may appear to be something simple but when I reflected I recognized in fact it was a “good deed” that I did for myself.  I had reconnected with my Maker.
As Josh Groban sang in his song: YOU RAISE ME UP :-

 When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.”

It is important to note that one should  always try to find the time to do a good deed for oneself – be it some alone-time at a place of worship, going to a restaurant or a spa, taking a trip, or anything that one can afford.
Just do something that makes you feel good.
Before I can love and take care of others, I need to love and take care of myself first.


1 comment:

  1. I love me too... What a funny coincidence... lol
    Good job Arlene
