Sometimes we do not
even realise how a simple good deed can affect others.
Last Thursday (20th September, 2012) I was on my way back home from my mom where I had received a few groceries. With my usual friendly self I gave a woman, who I did not know a lift to Arima, and well, as you know, how we women love to chat. She began telling me about her life...she had just left her abusive husband and she was now a single parent with three children aging from five to seven years...
This reminded me of my own experience whereby my mom had left an abusive relationship to live elsewhere with her five children and even though she did not ask for anything, I felt moved to gave her my last hundred dollar
bill and the few groceries I had just received from my mother.
Even though things were a little tough for me, having to pay a mortgage,
two instalments for the cars, send two children to school, I still had a
permanent job and a supportive husband. I then dropped her off at the Arima Dial and I wished her well.The very next day I got a call from my sister who asked if I could just give her a lift to the bank, even though she has a vehicle, she was just too tired to drive. After she completed her transactions at the bank, she handed me two hundred dollars. I just smiled and reflected on the good deed on that I had done just yesterday.
On Sunday morning I saw the same woman and her three children and she called out to me saying that she wanted to tell me something. She said that on that day (Thursday) she had nothing to eat, for she had just used the last piece of bread in her house to prepare sandwiches for her children and she did not know from where the next meal for herself or her children was coming.
That day, what she had gotten from me, made it possible for her to provide basic meals for her family until her pay day. She was truly grateful for my assistance because it came at a time when she was greatly in need. I smiled because I knew I had already gotten my blessings.
All Religions
speak about doing good deeds and the following are some of the quotes:
Christianity Galatians 6:9
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap,
if we do not give up.
Islam Surah Al-Hajj 22: Ayah 50
Verily, those who believe and do righteous good deeds, for
them are Gardens of Delight (paradise).
No one who does good deeds will ever come to a bad end, either here or
in the world to come. When such people die, they go to other realms where the
righteous live.
Buddhism Dhammapada 173
Whoever, by a good deed, covers the evil done, such a one illumines this world like the moon freed from clouds.
Whoever, by a good deed, covers the evil done, such a one illumines this world like the moon freed from clouds.
Sikhism Adi Granth,
Ramkali-ki-Var, M.1, p. 952
Heaven is not attained without good deeds. In doing good deeds sometimes the time it takes to come back to you is short, within the same day, other times it may take longer...but it is important to note that one good deed always creates another.
Just as Richie Spice
sang in his song – The World is a Cycle
“Do right do
right do right do right do right
Do good do good do good do good do good
The World Is A Cycle
And Everything Weh Happen Yes It Come Roun In A Circle”
Do good do good do good do good do good
The World Is A Cycle
And Everything Weh Happen Yes It Come Roun In A Circle”
LOVE IT!!!! ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!! It's so refreshing to see people care for each other. I myself remember days when I was dead broke hungry living on my own in Tobago but my pride would not let ME ask for help and just then my neighbour would call out to me telling me he cooked come have lunch. This stuff really matters. I'm like in tears right now cause I know how that woman felt. HAPPY AND MOST GRATEFUL! AWESOME ARLENE